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Product Development

Enggsol Engineering India Private Limited has been supporting our customers in the development of new products.. From the original idea to mass production, Enggsol provides tailor-made solutions to meet our customers needs.

Our philosophy is based on being open and cooperating with a customer's R&D department, so that Enggsol can use its technological know-how and excellent life cycle management to develop products that go beyond merely fulfilling a function and are oriented and optimised for mass production.

Enggsol is able to offer a turn-key approach while providing a wide range of services aimed at helping our customers in the stages of development they consider necessary. From product definition and specification to design, implementation and final validation.

Product Development Life Cycle Stages

  • Product development project management.
  • Product definition: Product specification.
  • Design: Failure mode and effects analysis.
  • Implementation: Product reliability theoretical analysis; Predicted production defect rate (PPM); Product feasibility analysis.
  • Validation: Product validation plan definition; Environmental testing; EMI/EMC testing; Electrical safety testing; HALT/HASS testing.
  • Product maintenance: Component validation service.